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Blog: The dog blog

About me!

Guildford Dog Training

So, for those of you who are interested, here is a little section about me, and my dogs!

My background and education came primarily from my involvement with working sports dogs. Initially, this was the Belgian malinois, and then later came my passion for the German Shepherd. As much as I love a malinois, for me, the German Shepherd just adapts a little better to the balance of work and home.

Training my dogs in sport very quickly went from a part time hobby, to a way of life. Before I knew it, I had completely immersed myself in the community of dog trainers and spent my days developing my skills and grasping an ever expanding understanding in dog behaviour and psychology.

As time went by, I began learning more and more about the health of a dog, nutrition, social understandings, genetics and the way in which different dogs respond to different styles of training. Very quickly, it became clear to me that a good trainer, is one who can take any dog infront of them, and produce a desired outcome, with a dog who is happy to perform.

This statement, is as relivent to the pet world as it is to the working world. You have to make sure that you have the right dog for the task, even if that task is just to chill out by your side. You then have to make the dog love doing what he does each day.

Throughout this time, I learnt a lot about dogs with different roles and how they each bring something unique to the table. I have trained and sold dogs for the police and security as well as assisting in training for film and TV, and helping endless amounts of people fix behavioural problems with their regular pet dogs. Amongst this, I have produced my own litters, learning about about how the primary days in a dogs life influence the way he perceives the world around him, and how he should grow up. I have further learnt about working hunting dogs, working sled dogs and how ultimately, it is your job, as the human, to truly guide and teach your dog, no matter what it might be that you expect to see.

For me, training dogs is not just a hobby or a job, it is truly a way of life.

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